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Owl Canyon Gliderport Field Proceedures

Field Signals

  • Stage on the active runway for launch. Stage only when ready for launch and traffic permits.
  • When no wing runner is available; close the canopy to signal the towplane to take up slack.
  • Wag the rudder for takeoff.
  • Point the nose of the sailplane west for retrieves.

Operating on the north-south runway (01/19)

  • Launch is on the long paved runway (01L/19R)
  • Multiple gliders may stage on the runway, if the pilots are ready to launch and must stay with their ships
  • Do not block the runway unnecessarily, since it may be needed for landing
  • The non-paved runway (01R/19L) is active and should be cleared immediately after landing
  • The grassy southeast part of the field may be used for landing

Operating on the east-west (09/27) and diagonal (15/33) runways

  • Launches are not permitted on runways 15/33
  • Launches and landings are primarily on a single runway, so stage only as traffic permits
  • Sailplanes and towplanes use the same runway
  • The grassy southeast part of the field may be used for landing


  • Glider patterns are left-hand for runways 1, 33, and 27, and right-hand for 19, 15, and 9. (In other words, the downwind leg is on the west or south side of the field.) Towplanes will usually the opposite patterns but will often use non-standard patterns.
  • An initial point on the downwind leg at 800’-1000’ AGL is recommended.
  • Announce your intentions for Owl Canyon (123.3) when entering the pattern.
  • Do not land immediately behind another aircraft. Do not land between the paved runways.
  • Roll out straight ahead. Clear the runways as soon as possible without cutting off landing aircraft.


  • Do not leave any aircraft unattended unless it is tied down, the control stick is secured and the canopy is latched.
  • Ground tow gliders on runways only as launching/landing traffic permits.
  • Expeditiously clear or cross runways at all times and be sure to check for landing aircraft.
  • Watch for power traffic at all altitudes traveling north and south along I-25.
  • Check the CSA winch operation procedures for guidelines when winch launching is scheduled.
  • Brief guests about safe areas to be, the locations of runways, the silent approach of gliders, and the distraction they can cause pilots if they are in the wrong place.


Updated 12/24/2022