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CSA Liability and Operations Review

To help control liability exposure and ensure pilots flying at Owl Canyon Gliderport (OCGP) are current with Colorado Soaring Association (CSA) operations procedures, the CSA Flight Rules require that before first takeoff every calendar year all pilots must review and sign a CSA Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form and also review the CSA Operations documents (CSA Flight Rules, OCGP Field Proceedures  and OCGP Winch Operations).

To track the above as been done the CSA Flight Rules require that these actions be recorded in the CSA Liability and operations notebook:

  1. Sign a CSA Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form.  There should be blank forms in the notebook and the signed form must be put in the appropriate section of the notebook.
  2. Read and review the CSA Operations documents.  The documents are on the CSA website (CSA Flight Rules, OCGP Field Procedures, OCGP Winch Operations) and printed versions from the website are in the notebook.
  3. Record you have done the above on the CSA Liability and Operations Review form  in the notebook. 
    • Print Name
    • Mark CSA Release is signed
    • Mark CSA Operations Documents read/reviewed
    • Sign Name
    • Print Date


  • Is this just for CSA members?  
    • NO, this is required for any pilot in any aircraft prior to their first takeoff at OCGP in a calendar year.
  • Can I do this just once? 
    • NO, all pilots are required to do 1-3 above before first take-off at OCGP every calendar year.
  • Where is the CSA Liability and Operations Review Notebook? 
    • Upstairs on the desk in the G.O.D. office.
  • Do I have to do all of this using the notebook? 
    • NO, you can read the CSA Operations documents on the CSA website and download and sign the CSA Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form. However you must put the CSA Release form in the notebook and record and sign that you have done the above on the CSA Liability and Operations Review form  in the notebook.
  • Can I be denied a tow at OCGP if I have not done 1-3 above?
    • YES, towpilots, instructors, G.O.D. and other CSA members can deny a takeoff/tow if the pilot has not completed these tasks.
  • Do I have to read/review OCGP Winch Operations if I do not launch with the winch?
    • YES, you may be present on a winch day or participate in simultaneous winch/aero tow operations sometime during the year.